Allen Pinoli began his shooting career in 1956 at age 10. His dad would take him to turkey and ham shoots at the Winchester Canyon and Lompoc gun clubs. Allen would us an old Model 12 with a bent barrel and it didn't matter to him whether he won or not, as long as he got to shoot.

In 1966 he was invited to shoot some practice trap at Winchester's new club in the Santa Ynez Mountains. His first ATA competition was two years later at the Santa Maria GC, where he won a shoot off for the B singles trophy with 96 and 25 extras. That was the beginning of an obsession and a lifetime with a shotgun.

In August 1969 Pinoli became the 11th in the state to reach the 27-yard line, where he has remained. Since first registering targets, he has won approximately 250 trophies including silver, guns, buckles and TV's.

At the 1990 Grand American, Pinoli placed 10th in the Vandalia Handicap, and he broke 200 in the 1997 Class Singles.

Among Allen's state shoot awards were A honors in the 1990 title singles plus AA runner-up in the high-over-all at the 2003 tournament. The former year he was a member of a 495X500 doubles squad in September at Kingsburg. His Golden West Grand trophies include second place in the 1996 Singles Championship with 200 and 199 in shoot-off.

Pinoli has also won a President's Handicap Medal, a Maynard B. Henry Medal, several Winter Chain first place awards, club runner-up honors at the 1998 Santa Maria Golden 400 Shoot, and a Western Zone site trophy.

He has been named to the California state team several times and has been men's central zone captain. During his ATA career he has registered more than 54,000 singles, 100,000 handicap and 35,000 doubles targets.

In addition, Allen has earned numerous trophies at flyer tournaments and more than 30 prizes in sporting clays competitions.

Allen Pinoli was inducted in to the California Trapshooting Hall of Fame in 2006.